Movie Review // "Teddiscare"

When I first heard about this movie, I went to iMDB to see what it was all about.  The first photo they show- which is very different from the poster art- had me hooked because I knew this movie was going to be of that certain type that I like.   After watching it, there was definitely a lot of what I like about movies in here and what comes out most was that, at times, "Teddiscare" was unintentionally hilarious.  

This story revolves around a character named Duncan who, when his father (who is all bandaged up like a ninja dies), inherits land he played on as a child.  Duncan goes back to these woods and finds his old stuffed animals- all except for his teddy bear.   See, the company his father worked for was dumping hazardous chemicals in these woods and that mutated Duncan's teddy bear- Teddy- into a person in a teddy bear costume.   Teddy is a killer and, well, if you've ever want to see a grown man with child-like wonder drag a small wagon of stuffed animals around the woods have I got news for you.

What I like about this movie is the message of it.  While Teddy kills, he doesn't harm Duncan because they're friends.  He mostly tries to kill off the bad people in the neighborhood, but is also just trying to avenge the land for being polluted.   Yes, this movie is made with a minimal budget, but what the story tells about punishing those who mess with Mother Nature is a strong enough message to watch this movie.

A lot of what happens in this movie seems to just want to fill the time.  There is an evil lawyer named Mr. Mallory and what's funny is at first Duncan has all of this money left to him in his father's will, but not the land he wants.  So Duncan tells Mr. Mallory he'll trade him all of the money and yachts for the land, which Mr. Mallory agrees to, but then goes into the woods to sign the papers and dies.  It feels like Duncan could've skipped the switch-a-roo step and still had the same outcome, but I guess he wanted to prove Mr. Mallory to be a bad person.

There are undoubtedly similarities between this movie and Winnie The Pooh somehow, but what's perhaps most funny is that at the end of the film Duncan gives all of the chemicals to the other stuffed animals and now would presumably have an army to fight for whatever reason he wants them to fight.  I really hope they make a sequel to this with all of the characters come to life, but if nothing else it's a nice tale about not messing with the land.  


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