Music Review // Thomas Thomas "One Lone Candle"


"One Lone Candle" has an upbeat quality of rock n roll which should immediately drawn in the listener.  The way movies made songs such as "That Thing You Do!" to Buddy Holly right down to some modern type of garage rock n roll, Thomas Thomas has just made such a dreamy song here it feels impossible not to get swept away by it.  It definitely reminds me of those songs like "My Boyfriend's Back" or "A Teenager in Love", which it feels like since they came out are slowly being forgotten.

Through these guitars and backing vocals we really have a song that's about love.  Most songs are about love on some level, but this is very distinctly a love song as there is even the lines: "Im in love / so in love / Still in love with the one I have".    This is nice because I feel like there's a saying about holding a candle for someone is to love them and so this song reflects that idea of loving one and only one person forever.  Having the idea of the candles and a birthday cake wish also comes into play with the clever line: "All I've ever wished for is you".

While it might be enough to get on that you're-the-only-one-for-me train of thought with these lyrics, they also take it one step further at the end with the lines "Candle count may have increased but I'm still picturing the same face".   This is one of those things where I feel like a lot of songs get caught up in the moment and the now- which is fine- but they don't discuss enough what happens down the line, as you both age and hopefully grow older together.  Through the use of candles, this song touches upon just that.

Once again I really enjoy this song because it can be about perspective as well.  Have you found your one and only?  Then you will enjoy this song for sure.    But even if you don't feel like you've found that special someone quite yet, this song can serve as a reminder and a preview of what it can be like when you do.   Everyone should believe that there is that one person out there for them and that also comes into play with this song being "One Lone Candle".  You might be waiting to find it, but it's out there.  


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