Music Review // Chorus of Courage "Take Care"
With slow, acoustic and melodic sounds, Chorus of Courage brings out an important message in this song which reminds me of both Fleetwood Mac and Larkin Poe. There is a slow, sort of plodding build to this but when it kicks in you can feel the seriousness of it all. This song can be taken in different ways, but the fact is every different way you can take this doesn't take away from just how vital it is.
Through lyrics such as "You tried to see his side" and "Tried to keep you from your truth" this song very much feels like it is about a case of abuse, about a husband abusing his wife and her need to get away from that. Domestic violence is one of those things where as the song talks about within the chorus, we need to come together as a community to fight against. "We can't hold it all alone" is a powerful line because rather than it being a matter of he said/she said we need to support victims.
While this does remain a subject that seems to be discussed more than just straight up offering help, I enjoy the lines: "We can't tear down the master's house / But we can build up something new" because it shows that if you are in a situation where you're being abused but you stay because you don't think you can make it on your own, the fact is that you can make it and you're not alone.
To think of this in a sense outside of it being domestic abuse, you have to think of it in some sort of abuse situation still. One of the lines in this song says: "There's a lot of work to do" and I think that is perhaps the most poignant because this is something which needs improvement and that just means that we have failed so many before now. Still, this song remains with that message which you simply cannot ignore forever.
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