Music Review // Nikita Lev "Kill Her Mind"
The sound of Nikita Lev begins with these strings which go into beats and there is just something cool about the way that this all sounds. I'm not sure who to even compare this song with, as the elements of pop are in there but it feels much more serious. There is a dark pop way about this for sure. It's lighter in the sound at times, pianos can come in and there are even these ticking type of tones I can't quite put my finger on exactly. This whole song is calm in the sense that it is before the storm, a tension that cannot be relieved.
During the chorus there is a melodic beauty. The lines: "Everything is fine / I love you all the time / I just might be lying / Baby kill her mind" come through and in a lot of ways this song is as complex lyrically as it can be musically. One of the lyrics which points to this song being about a break up says "I wanted to be with you". This makes me think that the singer was broken up with and wants their ex to change their mind about it all.
At the same time as this, I just think of this song in that "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" way because you can kill your mind in the way that you erase memories. Maybe it isn't about your ex as much as it's just getting that memory out of your own mind. And to think about this even deeper, isn't it odd that the way of thinking is often what gets relationships into trouble when they should be lead with emotions and not our minds?
This song really does give you a lot to think about, whether you're going through a break up or just have ever been through one. With these deep lyrics comes the music to match as you can definitely pull some of the pop elements out of here that you might hear on the radio (maybe a Billie Eilish or Lana Del Rey) but overall this song still exists within its own genre, it's own sound and that just makes it much more vital to be in the Top 10 of your most recent playlist.
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