Music Review // Tean Dream "Frozen Lakes"


When "Frozen Lakes" begins there is a strong focus on the vocals, as it feels like they are isolated even though there is a piano accompanying them.  The song does eventually kick in to where drums are behind it, but it still maintains the softer, slower side of dreamy rock n roll.  This is just one of those songs that feels so pure it couldn't possibly offend anyone for how it comes out because there isn't anything brash about it.

As this song goes on, you'll hear lyrics about the title which mentions "Frozen Lakes in California".   There is also a line about "Stardust on my shoulder", but it feels like when you think about California, you think about it being warm and so you don't think about the lakes freezing.  This is interesting because right now, as I type this in the year 2025, we are living in times where California was on fire but is now flooded and airplanes are falling out of the sky.  The song just gives off these "When hell freezes over" type of vibes, though I'm not comparing California with hell just rather borrowing a tired cliche.

In many ways though, what I think Tean Dream is saying within these lyrics isn't so much about how it feels like end times right now (Though that is an appropriate relation I think) but rather how the world can be surprising in a good way, in a magical way.  There is also a line in here about hoping that they made you proud and I think that just sticks too with the idea that you're going out there with your wildest dreams, reaching for the stars and you're just trying to make someone else proud by doing the best that you can.

This song reminds you that there truly is some magic in the world.  It has that pleasant way about it musically, which should bring you in, but when you really listen to the lyrics and realize it couldn't have been written about right now, you'll find it has that way of saying that things do happen but most importantly they don't happen unless you try.  Whatever your hopes, whatever your dreams, we only get one go in life so you have to try for them.  You might just become part of the magic in this world, as this song suggests.  


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