Music Review // NERiMA "Reverence"


"Reverence" begins with this softer, acoustic guitar part which it once again finds by the end.  The bulk of this song though is electric and fast.  Pop punk at its finest, NERiMA channels artists from Paramore to My Chemical Romance to Cinema Stare.  There are starts and stops through the crunchy chords, but overall, this song will just make you want to get up and move.

While this song has an emphasis on the pop, the fact that it feels upbeat and positive just fits as the message behind the song also seems to be as such.   I'm used to hearing music like this be more about heart break, so to have it with words of encouragement is certainly refreshing.  Perhaps the most important take away from this song is the line: "You made this life".

There is a rather carpe diem vibe to this song, as the idea is to pursue your dreams no matter how bold they might be.  The chorus has the lines: "You promised that I'll slowly go blind / Well I think it's all gonna be all right / Once I make it I'll embrace that side of me" which just kind of shows that there might be risks but if it's something that you really, truly want then those risks are worth taking.

Overall "Reverence" is the perfect song to push you into whatever direction you need to go to find happiness.  Call out of work and go to the beach if you can afford it.  Chase your dreams, because when it's all said and done you're not going to look back and wish you took less time off from work.  This song has the most powerful line of: "It's not about if we live through but if it's worth going all the way" and you have to ask yourself whether or not it's worth it.  


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