Music Review // Brock Geiger "After Later"


Brock Geiger has created a wonderful heavenly song with "After Later".  This is only fitting because the song itself can seemingly be about the after life but also just in a general way what comes next.  Certain lines in this song suggest that idea of what happens after death, such as: "Reaching for what can't be held" and so it can bring about that discussion and thought process. There is also a line at the end of the song about there being no "After Later", which might also imply the non-existence of the after life.

However this song can also just be thought of in the sense of what comes next.  If you think about it in terms of a breakup, the "After Later" is what happens after that because there are lines such as "Suddenly we become strangers".  It's funny you spend so much time with someone- not just on a calendar in the sense of months or years, but also just on a day to day basis and then one day you're just strangers.

A carefully constructed acoustic song, "After Later" can remind me of Elliott Smith at times but a little bit less depressing.  There are also strings which make me think of a ukelele, though I'm pretty sure this is all just being played on an acoustic guitar.   In a rather specific type of reference, this song also makes me feel like the type you'd hear in a show such as "Pushing Daisies" and that just makes me like it all the more.

Throughout your life events will happen and come to an end, as that is just part of growing up and getting older.  Maybe you graduate high school, maybe you leave a job for something else.  Either way, there is always that point of something being done and that some awkward time period after it.  That's the "After Later" and I'm glad that someone is finally singing about it so we can all become better at dealing with it.  


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