Music Review // Sarah Brix "Ended Here"


On the surface, "Ended Here" is a straight forward pop song about losing a friend but when you really listen to it and hear the music going along with it, the song by Sarah Brix can start to be so much more.  As this song does have a verse/chorus/verse style it also grows quite chaotic by the end, so it really feels like more than just a song.  There are those vibes of it being like a movie or just some sort of story being told with that definitive ending.

Throughout this song there are many lyrics which just support the idea of "I just know that I lost a friend".   Lines like "You won't even speak to me anymore" and "It's almost been a year since you disappeared" all come down to the main theme of "I wish I knew just how we ended here" because this song isn't just about the loss but it's about that not knowing how these things all turned out the way that they did.

As the music video comes through with shades of reds and blues, a lot of it can be singing to the camera but by the end as the lyrics hit "We used to be so close but now you won't listen to a single fucking word I say" that chaos really kicks in visually as well.  This song just has the perfect build and uses the singing, beats and pianos to create dark pop.   "Ended Here" is also full of a lot of drama and that just seems like the way that it should be.

While I didn't realize this until I was much older, I do feel like there are people who come into your life in a way similar to how television shows can have special guest stars.  Not everyone is meant to stick around forever, some just help you get from one part of your life to the next.  As this song seems to struggle with the why of the end the answer might not be something we ever know but at least we have this song to comfort us now.  


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