Over the course of the past few months, Ava Della Pietra has slowly been releasing each of the songs on this EP as a single. While the songs have managed to hold ground on their own as singles, that can be good for putting them into playlists and such but now that they have been collected and ordered into an EP it feels more like they have found their way home. The structure of this EP is rather important and it comes off in just perfect form.
Opening up with "power of you" allows the acoustics and beats to really bring in the listener. This momentum continues through the acoustic pop of "depend on me" and as we hit the middle of the EP- "long way home"- we are riding that wave that the EP is just built upon. While "my boyfriend" keeps the pace going, "i've been thinking" sort of slows it all down and changes not only the tempo of the music but the mood as it all comes to an end.
The title of this EP- "truth or truth"- comes from the song "my boyfriend" with lines which ask: "truth or truth do you like me / dare or dare would you kiss me". As much as these can be songs about love in the beginning, the last song- "i've been thinking"- outright states that is is not a love song and is rather a sadder song about lost connections with the line "I should've kept in touch".
I like the idea of this EP being "truth or truth" because it makes it just feel so open and honest. But what's more than that, is the way which these songs are presented, you can almost feel like Ava Della Pietra is growing up through them from start to finish. It truly feels as if the person who started these songs wasn't the same person who finished them and perhaps, as a listener, you won't come out the same way either. This EP could simply be about finding your truth, something Ava Della Pietra seems to have done.
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