Music Review // Tara Van "Sunshine's Callin'"


There are many great benefits to being outside and Tara Van shares them on this song.   Being in a place where the weather is often changing (we're in a heatwave right now) it can sometimes be difficult to get outside and go for a walk, but they say you should walk for thirty minutes or so per day for your overall health.  I even just find being outside if you're at the beach in the sun, at a baseball game or some other situation- it just makes you feel better.

During this song Tara Van sings: "I had problems that needed solving" and I feel like the sunshine might not be a cure-all for your problems but it definitely helps.  Any time you get stuck into a problem, sometimes you just need to go outside and forget about it for a little bit, then come back and you might be able to solve it.  It's just something about the sun that changes your mood and mindset.

The chorus says the title of the song and then: "And I'll have to put you on hold", which feels important as well because sometimes life gets in the way and we can't make the time to go out into the sun.   You work a job inside a building, you stay inside your house, etc.  A lot of people spend most of their time indoors.  But you have to make that time- you have to put other things on hold- so that you can go outside and feel the sunshine.

From the unique beats to the claps to the sound of Tara Van's voice this song is just delightful.   When going outside to walk, I like to make a playlist that's about 30 minutes so you know to be outside while the playlist is going.   This would definitely be a great song to add to that playlist or just to listen to while you're inside as a reminder that you need to explore outside.  


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