Baseball Review //
M&T Bank, 7
Record-Journal Expos, 4
June 13th 2024
at Ceppa Field, Meriden CT

Official box score :::

Additional photos can be found here :::

What a strange week in the GHTBL it has been.  The Bristol Greeners picked up their first two wins, but the East Hartford Jets picked up three and now sit above them, as they sit at the bottom of the league.  The Vernon Orioles were defeated by M&T Bank to bring their record down to 6-1, while M&T improved to 6-1, tying for first place.   And now the Orioles are up next for the Record-Journal Expos.

This game saw JD Tyler on the mound for the Expos against Eric Malinowski for the Bankers.  This was my predicted match up because every season it seems like when M&T Bank makes their way to Ceppa Field for the first time it's always with Malinowski on the bump.  

Offensively, this game began in the first inning with a homerun by "Superstar" Luke DiMauro to put the Expos up 1-0.   This game then turned into a lot of back and forth, knock down drag out type of fighting as both teams kept trying to outdo the other.  In terms of the way these teams were matched up prior to going into this game, they were fairly even so this felt like it was going to be a battle going into it (and it was!)

In the top of the second inning, M&T's Zach Nakonechny hit a two run homerun of his own, putting the Bankers up 2-1.    AJ Hendrickson would shoot a double to deep left field to score Javon Malone and after three innings this game was all tied up, 2-2.

The top of the fourth inning saw Zach Nakonechny single in Joey Rios, who had doubled, and that put the Bankers back up 3-2.   The Expos would respond once more though, as Jason Sullivan hit a two run bomb over the center field fence to give the Expos the lead once again, 4-3.

M&T Bank put up four big runs in the fifth inning and the Expos weren't able to come back from it.   Brendan Lynch doubled in Cooper Johnson to tie it at an even 4-4.  Joey Rios brought Lynch home, and then Justin Miller would drop it out into left field to score two more and put the score where it would stay- at 7-4.  

Ryan Skaff came in for M&T Bank to close it out, which seems to provide some relief for their starters this season.   That combined with the returning Brendan Lynch and newcomers such as Joey Rios and Nason Busca really are making the M&T Bank team feel like it's cracked that winning formula.  Regardless, I respect that most of the teams in the league have undergone changes (mostly additions) to their rosters to try and be better this year.

This was a tough loss for the Expos because it dropped them down to 4-3 but prior to this game the Expos had only lost to the Orioles and Mets while the Bankers hadn't lost since their opening day to the Rainbow Graphics.   While the Greeners and Jets (!) seem to be battling for last place, the Phillies and Mets could definitely be wild cards in the playoffs.

But what's more so is that I think the Orioles will eventually start to drop in stock and the real teams coming out as possible winners at the end of the season this year at the Record-Journal Expos, Rainbow Graphics and M&T Bank.   Those are the three teams I think are going to challenge each other the most and when it counts in the playoffs it's going to be tense.

Right now the Record-Journal Expos sit in third place, as M&T and the Orioles are tied for first and the Rainbow Graphics are in second place.   But if the Expos win this game, they'll improve to 5-3, which will put them right there with the Rainbow Graphics.   A loss for the Orioles also means M&T Bank will be solely in first place, so by winning the Expos would not only be helping themselves but playing spoilers to first place.  It's going to be a game you won't want to miss.


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