Music Review // Chris Bullinger "Darlin' 'n' Me"


This animated music video starts with this video game screen where it goes from one player to two players, then begins to look like Pac-Man.   While this song has that overall idea of being in a relationship and just having that other person in your life, I enjoy that the first way which that is really represented here is with a video game.  I just know some video game nerds out there have ads like "Seeking my Player Two" so this makes me happy.

Little things within this video which lineup just make it so much fun.  There is a line about bringing home the bacon and then there is a scene where someone is shown riding a pig and the person- you can only see them from the shoulders down- but they're wearing cowboy boots.   This takes us into a scene about being the garden of "juicy fruit and snakes", which when animated gives off a real Garden of Eden / Adam and Eve vibe.  The snakes also shift into her hair, Medusa style.

We go next into one of the most complex scenes in the music video which involves food and it goes down from one piece to the next.   This is a really fun scene (unless you're hungry) and it just makes you realize that as the song sings about being alone, there is so much food out there that just goes together.  The ham gets sliced and falls down, but then it goes with veggie.  It just makes me think that even as much as some people think of steak as the epitome of food, it still gets paired with some sides, so even the food we eat isn't alone.

This music video is just the type of art that you don't usually see these days, accompanying the music with it, and that's a good thing.   The art itself reminds me of something like that show "The Oblongs" which had this sort of pleasant way of seeing it but the things happening were not kid-friendly.   At one point they spin the bottle and then you have just the torso and arms of someone playing the music.   The song itself, musically, is right on the same line, so I really how this video is just so beautifully grotesque and you owe it to yourself to view it at least once.  


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