Music Review // Atomic Junkshot "Peacedale"

Atomic Junkshot have a very distinct sound which can be thought of as country at times but ultimately just has a blue collar, working class way about it all.  This is all made clear through the lyrics on “Peacedale”, as a lot of the songs are about day to day problems of the average person and alcohol consumption. 

"Peacedale" begins with the single "Dirt Roads" and then goes into a song called "My Life's A Bitch".   There is this feeling, musically, of this song being like when Green Day goes country but also with those little hints of Shawn Mullins.   The song, as it says, is the type of story you might hear from someone on  barstool who has had a few too many to drink.  But, the person is drinking (whiskey as the song says) to forget their troubles because life is truly like that sometimes.

"Gene The Auctioneer" tells a story about a hat while "Brother Dave" was in the military.  "Now She Is My Ex" highlights Loretta Lynn and her advice about not drinking (which the author did not follow, hence the title) while "Bar In Toledo" keeps the alcohol theme alive.   I particularly enjoy "Devil Drives A Prius" because it seems on the surface like a song about hating the Prius but at the end you actually find out the Devil is driving and he'll see you soon.

Through great guitar work, the songs on "Peacedale" tell stories.  IF you've ever gone out to a bar or just somewhere in general and ran into a strange who felt they needed to tell you a story and you were smart enough to stop and listen, that's what these songs feel like.  While they can be relatable the music is also just good old fashioned Americana.  


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