Music Review // Jason SamelHead’s Bowed Down


Jason Samel has created a song which combines elements of rock music with that feeling of Americana.   It’s borderline country, as it has those types of strings that could be either a violin or fiddle in sound, but it just overall has this feeling of being down to earth. 

The idea of “Head’s Bowed Down” can be taken in a religious way, as in kneeling and praying, but there is also this theme of yoga, as shown in the music video.  The lyrics: “Connected to the light / We won’t let it pass us by” shows how religion and yoga can be similar as well.  

While this music video has scenes of yoga in it there are also scenes where people are at the beach.  Just being in the sand, with the ocean, makes me feel the same way that yoga should make you feel and that is connected with the earth.   There is a strong message within here about being out in nature and living life.  

Whether you are already a yoga expert, a beginner, looking for a reason to start or just want to hear a rockin’ song that can help you to seize the day and the life around you, then look no further than Jason Samel.   This is a song that should be on all radio stations and a constant reminder to live our lives to their fullest. 


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