Music Review // Rory Taillon "Hatchet"

With these dark rock sounds, Rory Taillon delivers a song somewhere between metal and prog, but it is slow moving.   I definitely feel like there is this almost type of religious feel to "Hatchet", which also makes me think of Hozier, but overall this is just this powerful rock ballad type of sound and those guitars are right on.

Lyrically, there are two lines within this song that I just find to be fascinating.  The first one is: "They're constantly testing the theory that this too shall pass" which I feel is kind of like those people who think they can just repent on their death bed.  It's the idea that you want to do all this damage and eventually it'll blow over, but sometimes you do too much and it can't be undone so easily-- it won't pass for a very long time or maybe not even in your lifetime.

I also really love the line, which is the chorus: "How can that hatchet be buried if you keep digging it up for one more swing".   In some ways, this just feels like a message to that person who just won't let the past go.  You know, you try and move on, move past whatever was between you and just when you think maybe you're ready and it's time, they bring it up again and try to hold it against you.

That chorus also makes me think about the type of person who just doesn't learn from their mistakes and keeps making them repeatedly.  How do you forgive someone for hurting you when they just continue to hurt you?   It really gives you a lot to think about, and a lot to feel, and that's what great songs really should do.  


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