Music Review // Mike Repic "Alive"


Mike Repic has created interesting visuals to go along with an interesting song.   The verses in "Alive" put the main character into situations where it feels like everyone else around them has died, so they should have as well but they somehow survived.   This gives off that whole idea that you came that close to death and didn't die, so why are you afraid of being alive?  I think it's true to some extent that those who have faced death and lived don't feel as scared about life.

Through this melodic rock sound which reminds me of "Runaway Train" era Soul Asylum, Mike Repic just has a song here about grabbing life by the horns and taking charge.  The overall message is that life is too short to be scared to do that which you want to do, so you have to just go for it.  As they say, when you get older and look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the things you did.

Now I don't know anything about this specifically, but in some ways if you read into this song there also becomes this spiritual side to it.   The lines: "Suddenly I'm one of the spared / Suddenly someone heard our prayers" make it feel as if the person didn't actually come close to death but rather found religion and was saved in that way.  This also ties in well with the whole idea that people who find Jesus can be called "born again".

Whether you read into this a message in a religion way or not, there is still a positive message to take from here about embracing life.  The music video is in black and white with those VHS lines and it just looks like something you would've seen on MTV back in the day.   A good way to describe this song is as uplifting and hopefully by listening to it you can find some inspiration.  


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