Music Review // Sunshine Express "UNSHINE"


The music of Sunshine Express feels complex, almost as if two songs are playing at the same time but it somehow comes together to form one sound.   Right from the start there is this sort of trippy intro that isn't easy to dissect but when you hear it, there just is no telling what will happen next with the sound.   The rock kicks to a fast paced punk rock feel and it just takes off from there.

On one hand it very much feels like there is this layer of punk to "UNSHINE".   You can hear the drums playing as you would a punk band and it just feels like they're all under there- the bass and guitar as well.  But there is something electronic, like Hellogoodbye, on top of everything else which just makes it so unique but also not easy to describe or compare with other music.

As is the case with the music itself, this music video is also complex.  In some ways this music video makes me think of vaporwave even though the sound really doesn't.   There are lyrics on the screen in some far out font while images come through as if the video has been shot for VHS.  But it also just has this way where it has multiple images on the screen at the same time, some ghost fragments of the others.

What I really love about this as an overall video and song is just how unique it is.  There are bands on the radio that play closer to punk- like Green Day- and closer to the electronic sounds- like Neon Trees- but I never imagined them working together so well.   Sunshine Express makes it happen and this is a song I just can't get enough of.
