Cassette Review // ASSASSUN "Post-Climax" (Blackjack Illuminist Records)


This is the third cassette I am hearing from ASSASSUN, so if you've been following along then they should come as no musical stranger to you.   "Post-Climax" opens up with those X-Files type of synth beeps and it just sounds post punk overall.  The second song feels like Weird Science while the third, "Sling Me Out", has this more direct electronic vibe to it.

There is a little bit of industrial within this sound but there is also some big electronica type of rock.   A different type of moving with the music comes out as we get further into the first side.  Big beats and lone piano notes fill the sound.   The song "CPR" is oddly catchy and at times this can remind me of the underrated and often forgotten band Orgy.  

Big beats open up the flip side.   Electronic scattered patterns come in now as well.  "Spectator" has a wild sound to it, almost like "Cars" by Gary Numan.   As we get further into this side we can hear some tones like falling and a lullaby.  Electronic energy comes out strong and then we go into a slower, more prodding pace.  Ow-ow's bring us back to that sci-fi synth and by the end we've just been taken on a musical journey unlike any other.

For me, one of the most difficult things about making music would be creating more songs that don't sound like the previous songs but also aren't really better or worse but just different and equal.   ASSASSUN not only proves that this is possible but they make it seem easy, to create new songs that bring the past together with the future.   This is just such a great sound, everyone should be listening.  
