Music Review // GOLDRIDGE "Burnout"


"Burnout" is a song which begins with big beats and the guitar comes through in just an electric way.   There is a big stadium rock type of feel to this all and it reminds me of a band such as Muse.    GOLDRIDGE just seems to have made this in a large, anthem type of way and given the subject matter of the song it seems only fitting that this would be played loud.   When you have those moments when you might feel too tired but must keep going, this is the song to power you through.

Burnout as a concept is a very real thing.  We often don't take care of ourselves enough and end up burning out at times from overdoing it.   One of the first lines in this song which shows that is "You say I should just slow down", which is what others looking at your situation might see and wonder if the steps which you are taking to achieve your goals are worth it.  This can really be seen in almost any college student, especially when they get into more challenging schools and difficult studies.

One line that repeats during the chorus is "Wasting all my time on things that only stress me out" and I think that's a good reminder that not only should we not waste energy on such things but that we shouldn't stress about things in general.  There are only so many hours in a day so sometimes it is not only okay but necessary to leave something until tomorrow.   When you feel like you're reaching the point of burnout though you are likely not thinking this way.

The other powerful lyric in this song to remember is: "I'll never get there if I don't slow down".  It's nice to do things at 100mph, but eventually you're going to crash.  The most deceptive thing about burnout is also that it can be from things you enjoy.   Something which you feel brings you joy can eventually burn you out if you have too much of it, which is why life is sometimes best left to moderation and a clear mind.  
