Wrestling Review //
Blitzkrieg! Pro / Limitless Wrestling / Pro Wrestling GRIND
Tryout Show
October 8th, 2022
House of Pierogies, Enfield CT




Photos of this show can be found in a Facebook album here :::


Night Two of the Limitless vs Blitzkrieg! Pro show was interesting because it started with a tryout show at 4:30pm where wrestlers were showcasing their skills for a potential spot on an upcoming Blitzkrieg! Pro, Limitless or GRIND show.   This was a concept which I enjoyed enough to spend the $10 and go see but was somewhat confused by the execution behind it.  

To start things out of order, let me just say that "Dr Cool" Jay Klang, ABBS, Delightful Dan The Goddamn Candy Man and one half of Even Stevens were on this show.   That confused me because all of these wrestlers have appeared in Blitzkrieg! Pro before- more than once in most cases- and so it felt strange to think of them as not having a spot here.  Though, in all fairness, I do see it as a chance for them to get their names out there for Limitless and hopefully they take notice.

This show featured both wrestlers I knew and have seen before as well as wrestlers I had only ever heard about and of course wrestlers I'd never heard of and were seeing for the first time.  Those who I've never really heard about and after this show I wish I still hadn't- or those who I don't want to see back in Blitzkrieg! Pro, Limitless or GRIND are the ones I will simply ignore in this review.  I'm not going to say bad things about them, I'm just going to say nothing at all.

The first match was Ben Rutten vs "Sweet Cheeks" Joey Silver.   Both of these wrestlers have a presence.  I've seen Ben Rutten before and so to have him in any of these three promotions would be a smart choice.  I could even see him getting that build in GRIND, which is not something I feel like about a lot of the wrestlers on this show.  But "Sweet Cheeks" Joey Silver has this infectious way about him as well.  Chanting "Sweet Cheeks" is quite fun.

On a side note: "Sweet Cheeks" Joey Silver was handing out candy when he came out, which if you don't know is also something Delightful Dan The Goddamn Candy Man does, so one of these three promotions (please Blitzkrieg?) not booking these two against each other in a match would feel like such a wasted opportunity.

"Dr Cool" Jay Klang had a really cool match with Shotgun Adams and here's the thing about Dr Cool:  Back at "Shoulder To The Wheel", Dr Cool was in a match against CPA and as such he played a bit more of the heel because everyone loves CPA.   During this match, Dr Cool got cheered and the fans seemed to embrace him more, just showing that he can work either side and that's not something every wrestler can do.   Shotgun Adams also has this intensity where I'm not 100% sold on him yet but I'd be interested to see more.

Pedro Dones had a tag team match and for his heel work alone I wouldn't mind seeing Pedro Dones again.  There was a fatal fourway which had Delightful Dan The Goddamn Candy Man, ABBS, Stephen Azure and Diego El Trabajador in it.  All four of these wrestlers were insanely over.  Three of them have been in Blitzkrieg! Pro before, and so the fact that we got to see this match was just so much fun for me.   ABBS also at one point knocked over the candy basket, spilling candy in front of us, and the crowd really booed for that because you do not disrespect the candy.

The Sweeper was a wrestler that I really enjoyed because it felt like he was connecting with the audience.   You have to understand, I live in CT so I go to Blitzkrieg! Pro quite often and have only made the drive to Maine for Limitless once, so I might seemed bias in the "I'd like to see this wrestler do this in Blitzkrieg" and that's why.  The Sweeper would be great in a scramble at Blitzkrieg while his opponent was... umm... I know I said I wouldn't say anything bad, but this Stetson guy is a fake ass cowboy and I hope to never see him again.  If you want to book a real cowboy who is currently residing in NJ, Manders is right there.

The main event saw "The Cure" Lucas Chase take on "Fancy" Ryan Clancy.   I've seen Lucas Chase in so many different wrestling promotions and I just feel like he would be an asset to any promotion who wanted to book him.  Lucas Chase is my, overall, pick that I feel should be used in Blitzkrieg!, Limitless and GRIND.  These three promotions tend not to run on the same days anyway, so why not all three.  And if you need further reference, Lucas Chase recently became the Champion in Blood Sweat and Tears Wrestling (BST) by defeating the then Champion Dustin Waller in an incredible ladder match that you can watch on YouTube for free.  

One of my biggest theories about professional wrestling for a few years now and really since coming back from the pandemic, one of the ways to really look at and judge a wrestler is by their merch appeal if they are a heel.  There are wrestlers out there who play that heel character inside the ring and you boo them, but after their matches, after the show, you're not going to them to take pictures or buy their merch because they're a heel and your response as a fan is "Ah, they suck".

Lucas Chase is that type of wrestler that can play a heel so well that you can feel like you're booing him one minute but still you respect him.  Plus, his merch game is pretty on point.  So, for me, it's really a no brainer that Lucas Chase should be made even more busy than he already is in professional wrestling.  I'm not going to fantasy book him in matches, but there is definitely a place for him in these three promotions as well, I can see opponents and matches where he just shines.


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