My Wrestling Highlights of February 2022, Blog Style



For the month of February I am going to attempt to put less updates into here, but I also might be watching less wrestling on television than I did in January.   With the weather and pandemic, things have been somewhat crazy so events have been postponed and I've been inside more than I'd like but I'm hoping as we're coming out of the winter that can change.  

I started my February by catching up with the ACTION & IWTV - Southeast First show on IWTV.   It was difficult for me to watch this because of technical issues with IWTV (I've opened up a claim, but let's see if that goes anywhere) but this was such a great show from top to bottom, with such great talent that everyone should go out of their way to watch it.  Obviously the big deal is to watch it to see AC Mack capture the IWTV Independent Wrestling World Championship from Alex Shelley, but there's so much more.

It just feels like everyone on this show is someone that if you don't know of them before watching it, you'll want to know them after you see them here.  MERC vs Damyan Tangra and Adam Priest vs Anthony Henry are two of my favorite matches from this show that aren't the main event.  I also didn't really know a lot about Owen Knight or Kyle Matthews before their match but now I am a fan of both.   Eli Knight is on here in solo action and Brogan Finlay is in a trios match.   This show is just full of so much talent it's crazy and it has to be the best show on IWTV for the month of January 2022.

I've been keeping up with NXT 2.0 but as I watched two episodes in the same day recently, I cannot tell you what one of the matches was that really stood out to me.   Aside from Wendy Choo, NXT 2.0 has just been some pretty good background noise.

Along with the final two episodes of MLW's Azteca series on YouTube, I also watched the January Mission Pro Wrestling show "Crazy Train" on Title Match Network.   This had some really great matches on it and I especially enjoyed seeing Davienne while also Thunder Rosa vs La Rosa Negra was a pleasant surprise.  


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