Music Review // Ynana Rose & Holly Ann Lewis "Simplify"


There is a very upbeat, positive energy to the song "Simplify".  Ynana Rose and Holly Ann Lewis both bring an energy which is infectious and I just wish we heard these type of acoustic pop songs on the radio more now, like we used to back before the dawn of the 21st Century.  The two artists sing at the same time while there is what sounds like clapping and eventually the acoustic guitar can also take a winding solo trip.  Not a lot of music out there right now compares with this and I might have to go back to Wilson Phillips for reference.

The idea behind the song "Simplify" is exactly what the title says and the lyrics should be taken as a sort of handbook for living.  The opening lines "Overthinking everything / Afraid of what the day will bring" seem to suggest the idea that anxiety is the concern for the unknown while depression is dwelling on the past.  Just to live in the moment and focus on what you can handle within this moment is going to make life so much better for you.  We cannot worry about things which we cannot control.

Before the end of the song there is also these two lines which I think are really important to hold onto as well: "Breathing in breathing out / Take a moment for myself".  This world can feel fast paced and with the attention span shortening through social media it can feel like it's becoming even faster paced, so you do need to take that time every so often to just slow down and take a moment for yourself.  Some might say it's selfish, or you might have that idea in your mind, but in reality it's just self care.

Throughout this video the two artists are singing the song, dancing and having a good time.  It really is the simple things in life.  People spend so much time working and for what?  Money?  You can't buy the things in life which will make you happy.  Once you realize that, you can spend time doing that which truly makes you happy.  You can get rid of all of the excess in your life, simplify and really begin to start living.  


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