Music Review // Harkness "Falling"


"Falling" might be one of the most musically complex songs to ever be created while also being able to fit into the genre of pop as well.  At the root of it all, this song has that sound of rock n roll, something along those dreamy garage guitar rock types.  Somewhere between Hunx and his Punx and The Rocket Summer, this is just loud and a lot of fun.  But at the same time, a verse might just drop off with a random sound and that makes me feel more like I'm listening to something like Flaming Lips, something a little bit more out there than traditional rock n roll or pop music.

Harkness opens the song with the lines "She never knew she was falling / And that the world it was falling for her", which I can get how the world is falling for her but I don't quite understand how it is that she is falling.  The lyrics go on to detail how it's "The same rat race" and "It's a freedom game" so maybe the idea of her falling and not knowing it is because she's falling into this trap of working the 9-5 like everyone else when she's meant to be something more (hence why the world is falling for her)

As we get later into the lyrics they say "She has embraced the change / That is taking place" and I feel like this is important.   While "Falling" has a certain message to it, the idea of embracing the change is also important to life in general and it's one of those mantras which you should live by.  Life is a lot like the ocean and surfing in the sense of just riding the wave where it takes you.  If it feels like you're being pulled in one direction, don't fight it- lean into it.  Sometimes we feel like we're faced with difficult decisions but alas life has a way of making up its mind for us.

There is something magical within this song by Harkness.  Maybe it is the way in which it can feel so non-offensive that anyone should be able to listen to this and just instantly fall in love with the sound.  Maybe it's because every time I hear it I pick up some new little detail I didn't previously hear.  In a lot of ways, this song also feels like something out of the timeframe and genre of a show such as H.R. Pufnstuf, which makes me love it even more.  


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