Back in 2023, it felt like I was taking notes every month of new albums coming out that I really enjoyed. While 2024 was full of a lot of great music, it felt like it didn't really open itself up to me until May and when it hit in May, it hit hard.
This collection of my favorite albums released in 2024 is done in a chronological order as I do not believe music to be a competition and, thus, I will not give them ranks. What might be gained from listening to that perfect art rock album might be different from listening to that perfect pop album, so it doesn't feel fair to compare when genres are different.
Membra Blocks of Color Blocks of Sound
(May 9th)
The first album to really resonate with me this year was by Membra. "Blocks of Color Blocks of Sound" has this layered feel between rock and pop. I'd stream it on my laptop through headphones and get a different result from listening through my phone or in my car. This is one of those magical albums which feels like it changes every time you hear it (until you begin singing along with the choruses) but what's likely really happening is just that you're picking out new pieces of it to focus on with each listen.
Abigail Lapell Anniversary
(May 10th)
May 10th was a special date for music this year because three of my favorite albums, which will go down as all-timers, were released. "Anniversary" by Abigail Lapell is an album that has eerie connections with Camp Saint Helene, but still stands on its own as one of the most beautifully crafted albums ever heard by human ears. This album, simply put, will give you the energy to go about your day while also tugging at your heart strings.
Camp Saint Helene Of Earth and its Timely Delights
(May 10th)
According to Spotify, "Of Earth and its Timely Delights" was the album which I streamed through them the most this year. That also means it takes up a lot of "top songs" category too. I always try and think of ways to describe Camp Saint Helene but it is just this perfect, mellow folk rock sound with haunted psychedelia mixed in. When you say all of that, in person, to someone else they might give you a confused look. But when you hear this album, it all falls into place.
Maia Davies Lovers' Gothic
(May 10th)
If Maia Davies, Camp Saint Helene and Abigail Lapell got together to tour (or even just play one show near me) I think I might explode. "Lovers' Gothic" came together, for me, in pieces. I'd hear songs as singles and then put them all together for what is not only one of my favorite albums of 2024 but also of all-time. Songs like "Fuck You I Don't Forgive You" really set that tone for no longer being walked over and this is just musically one of the most stunning pieces of art I have ever heard.
Perennial Art History
(June 7th)
Everything about "Art History" is absolutely perfect. My only "complaint" with this album- which is not really a complaint at all- is that now when someone asks me about Perennial, someone who hasn't heard them before, I'm going to point them to "Art History". The problem with this is it makes everything Perennial has done before this feel out of place because rather than listening to "In The Midnight Hour" and then "Art History", I'd just recommend starting with "Art History". Go in hard, go in fast, and most importantly, go all in.
Emerson Woolf & the Wishbones Everything Must Go
(June 20th)
2024 had a theme for me where not only did I want to hear voices that carry entire songs even without the music accompanying them, but I wanted to hear songs that were heart-felt and personal. Even if it wasn't my story, even if it wasn't a story I could directly relate with, I still wanted to hear those stories bleed out onto paper in the form of song. Emerson Woolf & the Wishbones very much did just that on their album "Everything Must Go". I think this album is still flying wildly under the radar and more people need to experience it.
FaithyJ Rough Cuts
(June 28th)
2024 might not have been the best year for hip hop (to me) but others were arguing about Drake and Kendrick (I think). I don't listen to a lot of mainstream rap and the last album I actually bought from a major label was "Pink Friday 2". "Rough Cuts" is the perfect blend of harmonies in the singing and aggression in the rapping to make this FaithyJ album not only one of the best albums of 2024, but one of the best rap albums of all-time. (and for what it's worth to me, the Best Hip Hop Album of 2024)
Trance Macabre Trance Macabre
(July 5th)
If you are either from or near Connecticut then you might recognize the name Trance Macabre. After seeing them perform in various forms, this self-titled album might be the best way to get that Trance Macabre experience without seeing them perform live yourself (if you're in a different country, for example) as this record truly captures that raw and passionate sound of free jazz.

Space Camp how could i not be your girl?
(September 20th)
Space Camp feels like one of the best kept secrets in Connecticut and why they're being kept secret I'm not really sure. In a year when we have new music from both Space Camp and Perennial I wish they'd play a show together, but this is also just one of those reminders of how loud music can be and how important the CT music scene is. If you haven't heard this one yet, you will eventually. It's only a matter of time.
Vicki Lovelee Phase 2: Power Struggle
(Sept 26th)
One of my favorite albums of 2024, "Phase 2: Power Struggle" is this big, pop album that rocks and has elements of just feeling like this huge stage show as well. Somewhere between Panic At The Disco and Lady Gaga for the broadest sense of comparison, this is one of the most unique albums on this list and of this entire year. I fully believe that when you listen to music you should feel something, even if it's only happiness, and Vicki Lovelee definitely has a sound that will make you feel things that perhaps you didn't know music could make you feel.
Grizzly Coast Staying Power
(Oct 9th)
As much as I enjoy listening to music that can defy genres, sometimes I also enjoy music which just has that straight forward rock sound like Slothrust. Grizzly Coast is just such a delightfully melodic album that is somewhere between grunge and modern rock (with that pop enthusiasm) but also these songs are about topics such as being more out-going when younger. This just feels like music for people of a certain age (not the youth) and I feel like I am of that age.
---__--____ Night of Fire
(August 30th)
I still cannot pronounce this artist name but this is one of those albums that you can press play and be like "wtf" but I enjoy every second of it. Three artists who could release their own AOTY individually coming together to make sure you question everything you hear in music whether or not you enjoy this experience. This album is definitely going to haunt me for a long time to come.
Here's to 2025!
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