Music Review // Andy Frasco & The U.N. "Try Not to Die"
With an overall acoustic melodic sound, Andy Frasco & The U.N. brings forth a song that is pleasant enough that everyone should be able to come together and enjoy it. Somewhere between Jimmy Buffet and Deep Blue Something, Andy Frasco lends his own voice to create this powerful anthem about living life to its fullest. There are a lot of things in life which I feel like I think about a lot but not enough people talk about and this is one of them.
The idea behind "Try Not to Die" is that those words seem to reflect how a lot of people feel these days. It's not that you're going out there to live, but rather you're trying not to die. We've become so consumed by things such as paying bills (which is something we should find a way to do less) we cannot enjoy things such as traveling the world. If you believe in God, you have to imagine God sitting up in the sky like "I gave you this beautiful world to explore and you stayed inside because electric rates got too high".
Prior to the pandemic I was working a job where I took days off as I pleased because my mentality was that in that moment right then and there, I wasn't going to look back later on in life and think "Wow, I really shouldn't have taken those days off". But yet we're so conditioned to be good little workers and not take days off we become so mundane to where we need to take that random day off once in a while and get out there to see the world. You don't have to quit your job and live off the land, but some happy medium would be nice.
In life, I just feel like a lot of people are stressed from being overworked and just spending too much time doing the things that they don't want to. Even if it's only one day a month to start, use this song by Andy Frasco & The U.N. to stop feeling like you're "Trying Not to Die" and to truly start living. Do that thing you've always wanted to do but never did for whatever reason and let this song guide you as the soundtrack.
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