Music Review // Ash x Felukah "On My Mind"
The sound of "On My Mind" reminds me of an artist such as Shakira or Jennifer Lopez. I'm not that familiar with either of those artists, but just the idea of hearing the song on the radio and feeling like it's a strong dance number, especially for the clubs. Ash provides the beats while Felukah sings and the music they create together is just so obvious that you would hear this on the radio, be told who it was and then would forever recognize it.
Lyrically "On My Mind" is full of a lot of emotions. The chorus says "You stay on my mind", but then the verses can be about how they thought it was forever but it wasn't. So this isn't just a straight forward love song about having another person on your mind because they're your significant other or loved one, but rather maybe because you're always thinking about what could have been. Some people just stick with you, and this song is like that.
A beautiful outdoor setting is where this music video takes place, which just makes the whole idea of the song shine through because it's such a positive, glowing energy. At one point as we near the end there are some synth sounds that come through but by the very end there is also a saxophone. This very much feels like the type of song that is doing more than a traditional pop song, but at the end of the day it's better for it.
Ash and Felukah have a unique sound but also just a specific vibe about them to where this song will feel like you already know it upon first listen. If someone tried to convince me I'd heard this on the radio prior to it being released I might believe them. But "On My Mind" is also the type of song that you need to hear- and really listen to- several times before you pick up on all of the different lyrics and sounds coming through which make it the future classic that it already is.
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