Music Review // Sonny Gullage "Things I Can't Control"

There is an old saying that depression is worrying about the past and anxiety is worrying about the future.   Sonny Gullage has brought forth this song, "Thing I Can't Control", which can very much serve as an anthem to help with both of those things.   We can't predict or control the future in any way, and at the same time we can't change what has already been done, so they are both things we can't control.

With all of the enthusiasm of someone such as James Brown or Little Richard, Sonny Gullage has this presence you can feel through the music.   Those keys come back in to make it feel like we're in church and this is your sermon for the week.   It is somewhat fitting that this song exists on that spiritual level though because you should be taking it to heart both musically and lyrically.

Those guitars take over as well and they just have that rock sound that's somewhere between blues, soul and a little bit of funk.   This just feels like the type of song that, musically, could convince you of whatever they're singing about.  In this case, as the chorus says: "Can't worry worry worry about things I can't control" and hopefully that becomes a sort of mantra for you after listening to this enough times.

During this song there are several examples given of things which we cannot control, such as the rain.   Hopefully this song is something where you can not only get it stuck in your head and then apply the idea of not worrying to your every day life, but you can also begin to form your own examples of things which happen in your life that you cannot control and thus you shall not worry about them.  


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