Music Review // Golden Feather "Anything, Anymore"


Golden Feather seems to have found their own rock sound on this song.   There are a lot of guitar notes and just overall guitar work within here, which makes it feel bouncy at times and just along those lines of a 1990's alternative rock band such as Counting Crows or Better Than Ezra.   It's upbeat and musically complex, which has this song standing out from other songs in similar genres.

This song deals with something which I feel we've all felt before and that is doubt, as one of the first lines says: "I can't feel a thing but doubt".  Have you ever had an experience that just completely shattered your entire way of thinking?  One of those devastating blows which just makes you question everything around you and no longer believe anything you know to be true.

As "Anything, Anymore" goes on it finds a bridge like The Beatles or They Might Be Giants and in some ways this uncertainty can feel like you're losing your mind but it also feels like such a fun trip you're going on.  As the chorus sings: "Maybe I'm not sure of anything anymore" it can repeat in an almost maddening way.

If you feel like you're unsure of what is real and need to listen to this song, you can find comfort in the line: "Time will tell if I am right or I am wrong".  In time, all will be revealed.   But if you're not in this same space and just want to go on a ride which is overall energetic and hopeful but maybe also a little bit scary then this will also be a song for you to experience.  


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