Cassette Review // SLW + BBJr "Bubblegum Necropolis" (Personal Archives)

This cassette featuring Samuel Locke Ward and Bob Bucko Jr is a total of 40 songs- 20 on each side- and it's on a ten minute cassette.   That means there is only five minutes per side, so to fit 20 songs into 5 minutes of space... you can do the math, but these songs average 10-20 seconds each though there is one that's only six seconds and one that's an entire 27 seconds.

In some ways these songs make me think of radio jingles, like how these little bits and pieces can get stuck in your head.  I particularly feel this way because lines that get stuck in my head are "Doctor said put cream on it".   The music can be noisy, with big horns and singing/speaking/screaming, so it's not pop, but it does infect.

There are times when I get these little phrases stuck into my head in a certain rhythm and I feel like it's not something which could be turned into a song, but it is something.  So I respect these songs because I, myself, have walked around singing "PINK WATER BOBSLED" for some reason and it'd be cool if it was recorded into a ten second song.  But I also think a lot about this in comparison with "Daddy, would you like some sausage?", which if you know, you know.  


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