Music Review // Action Forever "Stay With You"


With a sound like a growing ballad, this song by Action Forever is one about loyalty.   There are many things to be said about loyalty and it is a quality that not as many people possess these days as they probably should.  When we live in a world where everything comes at this new generation through Tik Tok, and as such in bursts of fifteen seconds or so, it begins to feel like the attention span in general is dying.

Action Forever really has such an interesting sound with this song because it is right on that border of pop and rock.   Artists such as U2 and Coldplay come to mind, though at times you can also hear what sounds like a little bit more of the funk to me.   This all carries on throughout just this delightful sound, but then by the end it stretches out into this vast desert of a sound which can remind me more of an artist such as Porno For Pyros.

Rather than being a song about leaving or heart break, as songs tend to express, this one is about stating together because, as the lyrics state: "Cause I belong to you".   Within the lyrics you'll find other lines that just all come together to show that same idea of staying by someone's side, through the good and the bad, because of some sort of promise you made not only to them but to yourself.

Sometimes I wonder how much music can influence society.   If the majority of the songs in the mainstream are pushing the idea of heart break and leaving people, then does that make people more prone in general to doing that rather than sticking it out?  If there were more songs like this, would more people stay together and feel that sense of loyalty?  Even if it is subliminal, you can still listen to this song now and feel it through and through.  


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