Music Review // Golden Feather "Awakenings"


The sound of Golden Feather is a rock funk tour de force with elements of soul.  As the horns come into this one, you can just feel the power and it's just so much fun.  I feel like at maybe some point in the 1990's and then not before that until going back to the days of disco did we hear something this funky and this groovy.  It's just not the type of sound you hear as much in modern music still but I wish we did.

With these undertones of classic rock as well, this one has a sweet guitar solo, goes through some starts and stops and before the end it just takes us out on a big musical bridge.  The vocals and lyrics are right on, but this really is that showcase of music.  This is that "We practiced this and if you're not on our level you can't be in the band" energy and I'm here for it because every musician involved in this is incredibly talented.

I'm not even sure who to compare this sound with.  Morris Day and The Time perhaps.  But it also just reminds me of this big, elaborate type of stage show that might have been at Woodstock.   Parliament Funkadelic is also an easy reach.   The lyrics are about being awakened and then say: "Where I'm dancing on this island in the sun"   To me, that just feels like such fun and just living your life.

I believe everyone has that point in their life (and if you haven't yet then you will) when you realize life is meant to be lived and enjoyed.  You stop sweating the small things and start really living it up.   That's what I feel like this song is about- just seeing life through clearer eyes.  And this song does feel like a celebration in a lot of ways because once you do feel like you're truly awake and it can become like a party.  


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