Music Review // HAPPIE "Shooting Star"


"Shooting Star"  begins with these delicate acoustic sounds and takes you into winding guitars throughout.   The sound of the song is taken over by the voice of HAPPIE, as the words come out recounting the days of youth.   This song, right down to every last detail, should be taken easily as a tribute to fathers.  These lyrics work on two levels though, as people either may have fathers who are still around and those who have passed on-- this song can be for both of you.

Within the lyrics you'll hear lines like: "One day we will both be gone / So hold me close and hold me long" which makes it feel as if during the course of the song the father it is about is still alive.   However, further on into the song and with the whole idea of the chorus being "We rise and fall / This moment is just like a shooting star", the song can very much feel like a tribute to a father who is no longer with us.

Life is such a complex thing because there are so many facets of it.  I think days like Father's Day, which is coming up soon, are good reminders to take care of those in our lives that we love and like a shooting star these moments won't last forever.   As time goes on, not only will fathers, mothers, siblings, friends and others be taken from our lives, but we too will ultimately be gone.  "Shooting Star" is a song that is a moment frozen in a time, a reminder to both enjoy life and live it up while you can.

Regardless of whether or not your father is still alive, by the end of this song you will hear a voice mail which I assume is from HAPPIE's father, and if that just doesn't hit you right in the feels I don't know what will.   While this is a great way to honor the fathers in our lives, for those out there who maybe don't have father figures, this is also just an overall way to be aware that life is fleeting.   Treasure those who are around and if nothing else, cherish your own life because it will be over before you know it.  


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