Live Music Review // EGG! at Best Video, Hamden CT June 15th 2024

Additional photos can be found here :::

One of the themes I've been trying to embrace with live music is going out to the shows because you never know what might happen.   Ten days before this show, I was at Café Nine and saw an unexpected guest during the opening set and now, at Best Video, this two band show turned into a one band show as The Last Survivors were unable to play (Get well soon, Rachael Pixie!)

The thing about EGG! is that they've been around for a while now and I've been following them on social media, so I've been meaning to get out to a show to see them.   The fact that when I first see them they are the only band playing just seems to make it feel even more special because it just puts all that focus on EGG! and that's really a nice way to spotlight this great band.

On the other side of the coin, Quentin was also excited to see EGG!, as he likes to randomly walk around and say "EGG!", so for him to see EGG! for the first time with me and only see EGG! was really fun.   When you look at show flyers, there are usually at least three artists listed so to have this experience with only EGG! not only felt special but like something which won't happen again for a while.

EGG! has three EPs and they played songs from each of them.   They also did a cover of "1979" by Smashing Pumpkins.   I think the EP I'm most familiar with for EGG!- because I listen to it the most- is "Catch", which is their newest one from last year, and so I knew those songs the best.  They also played some new songs which weren't recorded yet and that just goes to show that we were hearing songs that they might not otherwise have time to play in an EGG! set.

Going back to the EP "Catch", I really think it captures the sound of EGG! to the extent that you can't really put them into a genre but just use a broad term like "rock".   There is a bit of the blues but it also gets heavy at times to where I think of a band like Mudhoney.    One of my favorite all-time albums which seems to be a deep cut is called "Situation Life" and it's by the band Sprung Monkey and I feel like EGG! is on par with them.

It's just not often any more that we have those bands who keep everything under the rock banner but at the same time aren't afraid to push those boundaries.   EGG! not only does this in their recordings but it flows out in their live show which is just such an experience that not many other artists are doing so you should take the chance to experience EGG! when you have it.  

EGG! can be found on Bandcamp here :::

Best Video can be found on the web here :::


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