Music Review // A Short Walk To Pluto "Hopeless"


A Short Walk To Pluto have become a rock force to be reckoned with and they prove that on this new single "Hopeless".  One of my favorite parts about this single is that it's not about feeling hopeless but rather the opposite and the music should help you feel that way as well.  There is just the push that the music makes, which seems like it could steer you into the right direction to stay on track.

Through melodic rock, "Hopeless" has some sweet guitar solos and almost leans into a classic rock sound at times.   This music video takes place in one spot with different spotlights highlighting different members of the band.   There is a brief moment outside of this area where it seems like someone is leaving it, but for the most part it all seems to be in the same location.  This is just a good way to see a band perform.

At one point the lyrics to "Hopeless" say: "I'm hanging on by a finger / Don't have the strength to escape" and there is also the lines: "If you could / Would you take this pain away".  This doesn't mean someone is hopeless, though, as it could just be someone asking for help.  If you're willing to ask for help, you must have some hope left in you.   At the end of the song there are the lines, repeated like a mantra: "I'm not hopeless / I'm not broken / I'm not a slave to my emotions", which feels powerful.

If you ever feel like things are hopeless, listening to this song might help you.  But just to know that feeling hopeless is an emotion, so if you don't feel it then you'll be okay.  If you look at something like math that isn't based on emotions, statistically things must get better eventually.  Either way, just remember those lines that this song ends on and hopefully things will get better eventually. 
