Music Review // NEIL JAM3S "How It Goes"

There is something to be said for a song that can take you to a very specific place as soon as you press play.   In the modern world of music it seems like everyone wants to be without a genre but sometimes just hearing a really good song in a genre you like is the best form of music.  As is the case with this song by NEIL JAM3S, I am in familiar ground upon hearing "How It Goes".

This song has a cool 1970's vibe to it.   A funky bass line gives way to words which are spoken more than singing and this might not sound possible until you hear it yourself but they also feel like they are being whispered loudly.   A mention of disco and I'm thinking about characters like Shaft and Jackie Brown.  The cowbell can be heard and I'm also into that "Walk On The Wild Side" era of Lou Reed.

NEIL JAM3S has created one of those songs which you can listen to and come up with an entire movie plot for it in your head.   You have to imagine the main character coming into some town full of villains- kind of like how Snake Plissken would go into NYC or L.A. in those movies-and then you meet that final boss, a Pam Grier type, who says "I'm gonna tell you how it goes".  This song is about laying down the law in a place that is lawless.

Even if you don't want to think of this as a soundtrack, there is enough going on within this song that just makes it so smooth.  I think this type of sound isn't explored as much these days (it doesn't seem to be as mainstream) and so it can get lost.   I'm glad someone like NEIL JAM3S is out here keeping it alive and by listening to it you are also helping to preserve a musical style which should never be forgotten.
