Music Review // Sabrina Monique "It Was Always You"

There is an old saying in relationships that goes "It's not you it's me", but Sabrina Monique has turned the tables with the song "It Was Always You", blaming the other person for the relationship ending.  I'm a firm believer in relationships taking two people to work and so if they don't, it's sometimes a load both participants have to acknowledge.  However, there are relationships where one person is straight up trash and hopefully this song helps other people to see that.

Musically, I really enjoy the sound of Sabrina Monique because this is unlike anything else out there right now.   The beats and it being somewhat catchy make it pop (It has a chorus you can sing along with, but you have to really listen more than three times to get it) but there are also elements of R&B within here.   Along with that, there are these reggaeton type tones going on within this song as well, which pushes it more towards hip and hop and even dance.  

One thing I feel strongly about this song is that it can stand as it is and be a great radio hit, but at the same time I imagine a lot of "club remixes" and things along those lines to take it to a whole other level.  The lyris here also have depth as a relationship is described as being toxic where the other person just doesn't seem right for you.  Lines like: "Fill her head with gasoline and tell her she's got issues" are a lot of what's wrong with relationships in modern times because too many people are playing games.

"It Was Always You" is a song which works on two levels.  On the surface, you can hear this song and just move along with the beat, not really paying attention to the lyrics.  Maybe twenty or thirty years from now people will have thought this song was about it being the opposite of what it is, where the "you" in the title is the chosen one.  But if you listen closely enough and get into the complexity and truth of the lyrics, you'll have a whole new experience and see things for as they are, which also happens to be the point of the song.  
