Cassette Review //
Ryan Manhole
"Cutie-est Maximus"
(Captain Crook Records)

It's been a minute since I last checked in with Captain Crook Records but they seem to be doing well, as this cassette is proof of that.  Ryan Manhole offers up twelve tracks of distorted bliss.   At its core, the sound is punk but the story is within how the punk sounds.   Sometimes closer to pop punk, sometimes closer to a rock n roll type of punk.

After listening to these songs a few times, I can start to hear how "Manhole Does Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai" sounds like the Vandals.   The last song, "I'm Just a Hop, Skip & a Jump Away!" reminds me of The Mr T Experience and they all seem to share that sort of quality underneath everything else.  

Short songs- typically under two minutes- the lyrics enjoy discussing anime.   But there is also a song about being in love with Joan Jett, which I greatly respect.  Still, a lot of this feels like what you would expect from the anime culture and if you're not really into that then this might come off as weird, but hey, it's never too late to get into anime.   You can even use this music as your path to find what you like.  
