Single Premiere //
Eric Angelo Bessel
"Kindly Rewind"
(Lore City Music)

"Kindly Rewind" begins quietly, very minimal, and spawns as if the earth is giving birth to the sound.   Through ambient electronics, this can feel like those film scores but also just like the type of soundtrack you'd hear while watching old home movies.   More than anything else, it gives that impression of footage being watched in black and white or at least in an older sense, like the opening sequence to "The Wonder Years".

This song also just feels like it's expanding from the start to the finish, rather than a traditional verse/chorus/verse structure.   It begins in one place, ends in another and the music is the journey along the way, which just makes it also feel so atmospheric.   In the context of the forthcoming album, "Visitation", this song could serve as a nice bridge between two other pieces but also just stands so well on its own.

Eric Angelo Bessel will release the full length "Visitation" on Lore City Music, Friday, April 21st 2023.   Further information on the album, including a pre-order link, can be found here:
