Wrestling Review //
Ground Zero
Mama Said Knock You Out

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While this may not be traditional, I will start this review at the end instead of the beginning.   I was searching for a photo for this event- a poster if you will- and my search took me to the official Twitter of Ground Zero, which I then started scrolling through.   I found a photo for their next event called "Hysteria!", which is October 26th, and I thought "You know what, I better just save this poster too because I'm going to watch that eventually too".   Yes, that is how I feel about Ground Zero.

I feel like I might have watched this simply because it was listed as new in the IWTV stream, but I also see names like Orange Cassidy and Tony Deppen in here, and as they seem to be my go-to in wrestling names these days (along with like five others maybe) I'd say this show is close to 80% of names I don't know and I love that about it.   Back in the early '00's when I watched a lot more wrestling I used to watch IWA-MS and I loved how they'd have wrestlers join in on commentary when they weren't in matches and Ground Zero does this as well.

Speaking of when I used to watch more wrestling (I feel like an old man "Back in my day" every time I mention that though) I used to watch a lot of B-Boy and I seriously even made custom action figures back then and I had a custom B-Boy figure I made.   Seeing him in this opening threeway match was amazing not just because it felt like my connection to my pro wrestling past but also because he's still got it.   This was such a great opening match and I'll be bold enough to say that if you watch the first match on this show and aren't hooked then you must not really enjoy pro wrestling.

Along with Orange Cassidy (who we will get to later) this was the final Ground Zero show for Peter Avalon who I am willing to admit I do not know who he is.   He apparently started wrestling when I stopped watching and now he's going to AEW to be a librarian or something (thanks, Google!) but I'm not entirely sure.  I watched the first episode of Dynamite and that's the only AEW I've seen and I haven't seen him there.   I'm not that far in yet that I have all this knowledge others probably do, but yes, this was the last time PPRay was tagging together and yet my first time seeing them.

So this guy Halston Boddy came out with Mike Camden and kind of issued an open challenge.   To those who say there aren't enough managers in pro wrestling anymore, they need to just look around because I feel like I see one or two on every show I watch on IWTV.   Anyway, this brought out Raze (or is it Ruby Raze?) who is absolutely fantastic.   I have never seen a Raze match before (Though she is on commentary quite a bit during this show, which is also a reason to watch it) and now I want to watch all of her matches. 

There was a five way match to find a new contender to the title which was a lot of fun and multi-person matches seem to be the norm on wrestling events these days, right?   Then in a tag team match I saw True Grit for the first time and these guys are big hosses.   I also watched the first episode of NWA Powerrr and I feel like True Grit could be a good tag team to blend in with that scene.   They're just big, hard-hitting dudes like The Blackjacks.

Hunter Freeman and Terex had one of those "I don't know either of these guys but you should go out of your way to see this" matches.   Then we got into the semi-main event where Orange Cassidy took on both Peter Avalon and Ray Rosas.   Apparently this is also Orange Cassidy's last Ground Zero match because he's joining AEW, which means once he starts showing up on Dynamite I'm going to have to start paying more attention to it.    This was a good match for me because a) I usually see Orange Cassidy vs someoneone I know (like Su Yung or Gangrel) and b) I don't think I've seen Orange Cassidy in a non-singles match before either.

Ray Rosas went over in the triple threat, which makes sense because he's the one not going to AEW, and then we went into the main event.   How do I describe this match?  First off, the challenger is Tony Deppen.   If you've still not seen Tony Deppen, you're really missing out.   He's a guy that I learned by name because of other wrestlers I follow on Twitter promoting him.   He's parts Ricky Steamboat, parts Daniel Bryan, parts Zack Sabre Jr.    Seeing Tony Deppen in the ring, you just know you're seeing a star. 

And then you have Andy Brown.   Andy Brown is this monster of a man and he used his power and size against Tony Deppen to his advantage, even though Deppen had the match won while the ref was acting slow and then Andy Brown only eventually won because of a low blow.   But, this match had that smaller guy versus bigger guy dynamic I like to see.  It was like watching Bam Bam Bigelow fight Spike Dudley in ECW without the crowd throw and if Spike Dudley (no offense to him) had the pure wrestling technique of Daniel Bryan.   Imagine Daniel Bryan vs. Bam Bam Bigelow?

Through these many wrestling reviews I enjoy writing I seem to reveal more about my past but back in the day when the internet first started (I'm talking AOL Chat days) I was in a lot of roleplay e-feds and if you don't know what that means that's okay.   I remember that a lot of promos there always started with "Don't call it a comeback" whenever a wrestler would come back, so tying that with the "Mama Said Knock You Out" title here just makes this cool on a personal level for me.   I'm definitely going to watch the next Ground Zero show and you should definitely be following them as well.
