Cassette Review //
"Ghosts before breakfast"

$10 //
Edition of 24 // //

"Ghosts before breakfast" begins dreamy and trippy with singing in Spanish (I believe) and then it gets sped up all crazy.   It can feel swirly and then there are parts where it's blissed out.   Sometimes the drums cause distortion.   A series of beeps now and then it just kicks into all sort of jump cuts heavy.    As it grows wild it can also feel tribal.   It can feel like it is on an electronic loop as well, which is interesting in terms of combining the technology with the primitive.

If "electronic tribal" is not a genre yet (it probably is) then that might be where you can find Hucksley.    There is a jungle, underwater feeling now with some jazz as it is also instrumental here.    For some reason every time I think of the jungle I think of "G.I. Joe" and having one of those characters playing a sax like jazz in the jungle just doesn't seem so out of place for me.   Maybe others who have not had similar upbringings would feel differently.

On the flip side we open with these wild beats and squeals, kind of like birds chirping.   I'd describe it as trap, though I'm not fully sure what that term means aside from that one song that's goes "Iwaslikeheywhatsuphello".    As it grows into this video game sound, the singing returns.  I hear "fake emergency" but I know that can't be right.    Winding, western like guitars set the pace for drum mayhem now.

There is a bit of alien feel to all of this as well, like perhaps it is set in the Nevada desert.   Video game blips make me think this could be such a soundtrack as well, though the only video game I can currently think of about aliens is that old Atari "E.T." game.   As intense as this grows, it slows down to that wind again as well.    This brings about the sad strings, strange sounds, a rumbling and growing static.    Sounds of kung fu fighting now and that Pong ding/beep, but in perfect closure it rests on that winding western guitar.
